Sunday, November 4, 2012

hiding behind a false face

Whatever happened to aging gracefully? Now it seems that everyone is fighting aging instead of embracing it. Plastic surgery, injections and who knows what else. And the thing is, it does not help. It actually makes people look worse. They never look like a young version of themselves but instead end up looking like some grotesque mannequin. What is the purpose of that? Surely people around them have told them the truth.
But why even think about it in the first place. We should let ourselves age and embrace it. Not hide from it. There are a lot of older people that are very beautiful and have had nothing done. We should look up to these people.
We have to remember to learn from our elders. But they need to look like elders. Not plastic aliens. Who wants to get advice from a fake person who is only concerned with their looks.
Talk to older people, they have much to share. Their lives are full of lessons that can help us out.
I have learned much from my elders and from other older people. The are fascinating and full of entertainment.
We have to learn from the past and not repeat the mistakes of those that have come before us.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The people you meet

We all need to remember that everyone that you meet, everyone that comes into your life is there for a reason. The problem is that why they are there is not always clear. Even people who are negative in your life are there to teach you something. Open your mind to what may be there. Listen to what they have to say. Remember the meeting if you can. The lesson to be learned may be shown to you at a later date.
The positive people are there to show you the way. To lead you further on the right path for you to follow. They will bring joy and light into your life. They will shed light on dark times and can lift you up with a simple smile or hug. They are constructive and helpful. Making you feel good and strong they will not lead you by the hand but make you do it by yourself.
The negative ones are there to show you what not to do. How not to live and how not to treat others. You should feel sorry for them. They are living in a self imposed prison. They do not appreciate what is out there and are bitter about it. The only way they can feel better is by making others feel bad. They can only elevate themselves by walking on the backs of others.
This is not they way to be. Elevate yourself by helping others. And others will end up helping you. You will both be better people and live better lives.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Stand up for what you know is right.

It is time to stop looking back at what has happened and to actually look forward to what can happen. What will happen if we all stay on the course we are on? Will we survive? Will the planet live? I do not know the answers but it seems that we are on a self destruct sequence that needs to be aborted. It is time for those that care to stand up and be heard no matter what. To speak out to those that need to be told.
We need to be moving forward in love and acceptance and yet we are breeding more hate. More violence and more intolerance. When do we make it stop? When will we learn?
We do not need to be aggressive in this. But we do need to be heard. And we definitely do not need to be passive and submissive. There are growing numbers of us that see what is going on. What we are moving toward. What may happen at the end of the Mayan long count calendar. We need to spread that word. We are the power for the future. The ones to help begin the time of reconciliation. We are the ones that can help all of us with the same biology become as one. No worries about race, orientation, or religious views, we are all one people. The same the planet over.
There are those who think they can keep us quiet and stop our dissemination of what there is. They have money and power and feel that we can not defend ourselves or our views. we do not need to defend ourselves. We need to defend the truth. Defend the planet. And defend all the people on it. Stop poisoning our children. Take responsibility and make changes. Demand changes. They think we can not defend but we can. We are the voices of the future. We are the voices of hope.
And who are "they" you ask. "They" are the naysayers, the rich with no heart, the powerful who ignore the ones in need. "They" are the ones that do not care. I am not attacking all rich because there are those who are trying and are helping. But I am talking about the rich who look down on all others.
We are the power of the future. We have been quiet for to long. The more voices that speak up the more we will be heard. Soon there will be to many voices to ignore. We have the numbers on our side. It is time that we use this to our advantage.
It is time for us to fight for our rights as human beings, as all human beings sharing this world. It is time for us to be a brotherhood of man in all senses. We are the fighters, the little guy, the underdog and we are the ones who keep coming back.
Are you not tired of the lies and half truths? We should be told and treated with respect. Time for the lies to stop. Time for the fiction to be weeded out. And the people behind all the lies will lose since they are not passionate about what they speak. They have no reason to keep the lies up except to harm. And then they tell us what to believe. It tis time for you as an individual to decide what to believe. Look around and learn. Take in as much as you can. It is time that we escape from the slavery of ignorance and stop believing everything we are told. From who we should like, to what to eat, where to go and what to buy.
Think for yourselves. Listen to those who tell you the truths. They are the ones who care about you and where you are going.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why are we so negative?

It seems to me that we as an entire race are to negative. We worry about not having enough money for bills instead of thinking about new ways money can be made. We worry that we will make a mistake and then we usually do. We don't want to lose this person in our life instead of thinking that we want to keep the good people.
We all do this. It seems like a self fulfilling prophecy. We think negative, then we look for the negative and when it happens we say that we knew it was going to be this way.
Think of it as the rush in the morning. You say to yourself " I can not be late" (negative thought) and then things go wrong... can't find the keys... spill something on yourself...and so on. And each time something happens you get upset and think about being late, and you start making yourself late. What if instead you thought to yourself that you would make it just on time ( a more positive note) Take time and breath and if something does go wrong, do not panic about it just take a breath and keep moving.
I have seen many people turn their whole life around by doing this but it does have a side that is hard to deal with. This would be the idea of "be careful what you wish for". Take myself for example, I was thinking about new money coming in and taking a nice trip. Well I wanted to be open to the possibility if new paths opening so I let it stand at that thought. Imagine what went through my mind when I was called in and told I no longer had a job. I could have went all negative and complained, but I realized I had asked for a new path for more income. Well that is what I was given. A wide open path. I did not let it get me down I just kept thinking that it was for the best and that the new way would be shown to me and it has been. I am working toward that goal now and could not be happier.
What I am trying to say is that negativity brings us down in ways we can not even imagine. If we all think positively and want to make a change for the better, then we can do so.
This also applies to all of us making large changes in the world.
We have to want the changes, positive changes, and help others see that we need the changes too. There is a great shift in our way of thinking happening. We are becoming more understanding. We are beginning to care about what we are doing to ourselves and our planet. Years ago there was a large push to help end litter and it worked. But it fell to the wayside. Maybe we should bring that back and start to clean up our planet.
We need to embrace differences and learn from them instead of hiding and fighting. We need to look at what we want to become.
We need to begin thinking of living a more full life instead of sheltering ourselves and not growing.
Think about positive ways to address problems in your life and keep those ideas in your mind. Problems will begin to disappear and you will have a new and positive look on life.
Do not believe me? Smile at a stranger and actually say hello instead of nodding. You will feel a difference in yourself and be able to sense a difference in the other person.

Go out and be the positive in the world instead of adding to the negative.

Take a deep breath of fresh air.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I would like to welcome all readers to this blog. It will be my thoughts and ideas that will be shared here, along with your comments and thoughts. I look forward to hearing from all of you. I do not think that what I have to say is for everyone but I do think that it can help everyone. I expect some criticism and a lot of deep thinking.
To start with it is no coincidence that I started this blog 50 days before the end of the Mayan long count calendar. I chose this date. I want to share what I know and hear. Now is the time to start doing that. No one told me when to start I just felt it. As I walked out my front door today I saw nine crows sitting across the street facing me. I walked toward them and they did not fly. I walked among them and they did not fly. I knew it was time to start sharing.
I do not believe the world will end on December 21 2012. I do think that the world is going to change. And this change is long over due. It is time for all men and women to become accountable for what they are doing, have done , and will do. This is the time to see that. We can help and heal if we chose to do so. We have for to long hurt ourselves and our planet. When shall we start to realize that what we do to the planet we ultimately do to ourselves.
For today i wish that everyone would go out and sit with their eyes closed under a tree. Listen. what do you hear? I sit pleasing and calming? If not why? and what can you do to make it more calming?
If you can not find a tree to sit under, shouldn't you be thinking why that is? We have removed ourselves from the world. Shielded and hidden ourselves. We need the trees. We need to be in contact with the world. To many of us walk on pavement and concrete and never walk in the grass.
It is time for that to change.
Think about the world and all of nature. When was the last time you watched a bird fly?